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The Right Attorney Can Make A Difference To Those Suffering From Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries rank among the most serious injuries that a person can suffer. Loss of feeling and functioning, more likely than not, accompany injuries to the spine. The degree of the loss is wholely dependant on the severity of injury. Some spinal cord injuries result in total loss of functioning below where the injury occurs, while others result in partial loss of functioning below the point of the injury. Though modern medicine has made vast advances over the years, there is presently no medical option to reverse an injury to the spine.


Most spinal cord injuries are the result of motor vehicle accidents and most victims are between the ages of 16 and 30. Medical care for those suffering from spinal cord injuries are expensive, especially when projected over the life span of the sufferer. Residents in Linden, NJ who find themselves suffering from spinal cord injuries due to the fault of another should seek out legal representation, not only for justice but also to recoup medical expenses. The law firm of Charney & Roberts are personal injury attorneys in the Linden area who are dedicated to gaining the best possible outcomes and compensation for clients who suffer life altering injuries. Their experience and aggressive representation of the clients they speak for go a long way to achieving positive results.

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