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Long Beach Divorce Attorneys

In a case of a couple deciding that their relationship is no longer working for them and they need to get a divorce, there are many complicated aspects of this decision. Depending on how long they have been married and if they have any property or children together makes it even more complex. In order to have the best divorce case in your favor, but that is also fair you will need a Long Beach divorce attorney. They will fight for you and your rights and make sure you that you are not short changed anything you were entitled to. When you get divorced property, money, and assets can be divided depending on how long the marriage lasted. The Law Offices of Kyle R. Puro are a family law firm in Long Beach who are dedicated to helping those in the most difficult times of their lives.


When children are involved your Long Beach attorney will need to know how to not only handle a divorce, but also help you build a strong child support and child custody case on top of it. In a divorce it needs to be known that Call the Long Beach family law firm, The Law Offices of Kyle R. Puro to set up a free consultation to discuss how you want to proceed in a divorce case. They can help you through anything that comes up during your divorce case, child custody to spousal support.

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