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Tips That Will Help You Find A Reliable Car Accident Lawyer

According to a recent survey done by the Road Safety Department the number of drivers violating traffic rules and injuring innocent pedestrians has increased by a great extent over the last couple of years. Nowadays, road accidents have become a common sight for all of us. If you have become a victim of a driver's carelessness, no matter how minor the injury is, it is your duty to sue the responsible person to get the compensation you deserve. If you are not in a condition to hire a car accident lawyer, your friends and family members can do the required tasks on your behalf. However, it is important to hire a lawyer who has expertise in the field of car accident cases and has helped a large number of satisfied clients to get the compensation they deserve. Law Office of Jon Friedman ensures you get the best and right lawyer to fully assist you in your case.

However, there are plenty of car accidents lawyer available and especially if you live in Portland, the task of finding the right attorney becomes difficult for you. The following tips fall in the Law Office of Jon Friedman lawyers :

1. Ask for referrals: Your first concern is to get in touch with an experienced car accident lawyer who knows how to get the best deals for his clients. You can start your search by asking people around you for referrals. Perhaps any of your friends or colleagues has undergone the same experience at some point of their life, he will be able to provide you the essential details of the lawyer who represented him in court. You can also search the Internet or look at your local telephone directories to find such legal professionals in or around your locality.

2. Check out his efficiency: Searching for a skilled lawyer is not the only thing you need to consider. Once you have found some names, contact your local bar association to know about the efficiency and level of experience of the car accident lawyer you are going to hire to defend you in court. Remember, he must be highly qualified with a valid practice license.

3. Ask him questions: Before your car accident lawyer starts handling your case, it is essential from your side to arrange a meeting with him and ask the questions that come to your mind. For example, you can ask him when can you expect a successful conclusion of your case. How he will proceed, how much he is going to charge you, and so on. Asking such questions will help you stay prepared mentally as well as financially.

So, if you are willing to hire a car accident lawyer, Law Office of Jon Friedman in Portland, is the right place for you. Going through the tips mentioned above will help you find the right lawyer based on your preferences.

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