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Auto Accident Lawyer from Portland


What is it like to be in an auto accident and need a lawyer? There are various different types of auto accidents, but no matter what the specific type, auto accidents can leave victims with physically and emotionally painful injuries. Each auto accident victim has unique needs which must be addressed when they visit an auto accident lawyer. Law Offices of Jon Friedman are a personal injury law firm in Portland, will help those who need an auto accident attorney.


Auto accidents can happen for a variety of reasons, but an auto accident lawyer will help auto accident victims no matter why the accident happened. Some of the most common auto accidents include hitting someone while driving on a highway or street, rear-ending another vehicle, slipping on an oil spill and falling from a car or truck, or being in a car that flips over. Any auto accident can be the cause of serious and sometimes fatal injuries, and in an auto accident, a Portland lawyer will help auto victims get through this difficult time in their lives.


An auto accident lawyer is able to differentiate between auto accidents where there is blame and those which are not due to anyone's fault, also known as no-fault auto accidents. In an auto accident where there is blame, the auto accident victim may have a case for damages against the negligent party. As auto accidents can be difficult to prove who was at fault, Portland auto accident lawyers will work with auto accident victims to gather evidence and prepare a case to come out on top in court if necessary.

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